Browsing Journal Articles by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 494
Academic performance of mature age students in universities and associated factors
(African Journal of Emerging Issues (AJOEI)., 2019)The study aimed to establish the academic performance of mature age students in universities and associated factors. Along with increases in nontraditional student enrollment comes an increasing percentage of working ... -
Achieving Operational Efficiency by Adopting ICT in Diplomatic Records Management at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kenya
(Stratford Peer Reviewed Journals and Book Publishing Journal of Information and Technology, 2022-10)Information and Communication Technologies have become a critical success factor for service delivery in Kenya's public sector. Applying ICTs in service delivery has become a game changer in public records management. ... -
Adoption of Computerised Health Information System Focusing on Kenya’s Health Facilities
(Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 2016)Although the benefits of information technology are clear adapting new information systems to health care has proven difficult globally and rates of use have been limited. With the challenge of inadequate health workers ... -
Aflatoxin Analysis in Staple Food Cereals and Assessment of Households’ Awareness on its Management in Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya
(International Journal of professional Practice (IJPP), 2020)Aflatoxins are naturally occurring harmful toxins produced by the fungi Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. Aflatoxin contamination is a cross-boundary and multifaceted problem that requires participation and ... -
Alcohol, tobacco and other Drug Use and Bullying among High School Students in Nakuru District, Kenya
(IJPP, 2010-09)The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs (ATOD) use among secondary school students in Nakuru District, Kenya, and its association with bullying. A total of 1000 form ... -
Analysis of Adhocracy Culture Implementation Approach and Performance of Universities in Kenya
(Journal of Strategic Management,, 2022)The recent increase in competition and insufficient government financing, as well as the government's increased focus on technical, vocational education training, have had a significant negative impact on higher education's ... -
(International Academic Journal of Human Resource and Business Administration, 2020-09)Customer loyalty has been one of the top tools for a successful business. This study aimed to establish the factors that influence customer loyalty with reference to the case study of commercial banks in Kenya. This study ... -
Analysis of factors influencing implementation of procurement strategy among regulatory parastatals in Nairobi County
(Strategic journal, 2019-08-10)The main purpose of this study was to determine the factors influencing implementation of procurement strategies among regulatory parastatals in Nairobi County, Kenya. Specifically, the study focused on the extent to which ... -
Analysis of factors influencing implementation of procurment strategy among regulatory parastatals in Nairobi County.
(STRATEGIC JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & CHANGE MANAGEMENT, 2019-08)The main purpose of this study was to determine the factors influencing implementation of procurement strategies among regulatory parastatals in Nairobi County, Kenya. Specifically, the study focused on the extent to which ... -
Analysis of Teachers’ Work Characteristics in Enhancing Discretionary Work Effort in Public Secondary Schools in Isiolo County
(International Journal of Professional Practice, 2022-10)The Ministry of Education (MoE), Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and principals are expected to create a conducive environment that enable teachers to demonstrate discretionary work effort in secondary schools. This ... -
Analysis of the Related Party Transactions in terms of managerial and financial issues for the Kenyan Savings and Credit Cooperatives
(International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies, 2021-09)Related party transactions are a key factor to the sustainability of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs). In view of this fact, loans to directors and staff are viewed as a factor which can greatly influence savings ... -
Analyzing the Course of Turmoil in Kenya’S Retail Sector
(THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT, 2018-08)Purpose - The retail sector in Kenya is one of the main drivers of the Economy. This paper sought to empirically analyze the factors leading to the collapse of some of the major Supermarket chains and also to understand ... -
(International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 2021-09)This study sought to establish antecedents of entrepreneurship and their effects on performance of SMEs in fitness sector in Nairobi County. The predictor variables were entrepreneurial training, networking, technology ... -
The Aspect of Assurance of Digital Institutional Repository Service Provision to Postgraduates Students at Selected Universities in Meru County
(International Journal of Professional Practice, 2023-08)Theses, dissertations, reports and other research works by university communities are housed in digital institutional repositories in the library department. Postgraduate students are expected to utilize these resources; ... -
The Aspect of Assurance of Digital Institutional Repository Service Provision to Postgraduates Students at Selected Universities in Meru County
(International J ournal of Professional P ractice (IJPP), 2023-06)Theses, dissertations, reports and other research works by university communities are housed in digital institutional repositories in the library department. Postgraduate students are expected to utilize these resources; ... -
Assessing How the Packaging of Immunization Services Influence Uptake of the Immunization Services in Selected Health Facilities of Kajiado North Sub-County Kenya
(International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology IJSRSET, 2016)Background: Immunization as a preventive measure to diseases is vital to organizational performance. Among the six pillars of the health system, this research focused on service delivery. A desk review indicated that there ... -
Assessing the influence of process interventions of community health volunteers on use of community based health management information systems in selected counties, Kenya.
(International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,, 2018-08)The World Health Organization (WHO) identified information as one of the six key pillars of an effective health system. In this context, the need to strengthen community health information has been felt globally. African ... -
Assessing the supportive role of nurse educators in clinical learning of undergraduate nursing students at Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya
(World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2021-09)Majority of global nursing bodies have reviewed standards on nurse educators’ roles in clinical learning. This study therefore assesses nurse educators’ supportive role and its effect on clinical learning of nursing ... -
Assessment of attitudes towards breastfeeding among Somali women of reproductive age, Garissa County, Kenya
(International Academic Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences, 2020-07)Breast milk is the safest and most common natural food for an infant. Despite efforts by the county and national government as well as non-governmental organisations, breastfeeding uptake in Garissa County was low. This ... -
Assessment of Debt Securities on Performance of Commercial Banks in Nyeri County, Kenya
(EdinBurg Peer Reviewed Journals and Books Publishers: Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2023-08)The study investigated the effect of debt securities on performance of commercial banks in Nyeri County, Kenya. The study used quantitative descriptive research design and target population comprised 16 commercial banks ...