School of Business and Economics: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 55
The Moderating Effect of Finance in Determination and Provision of Universal Health Care in Kenya
(KeMU, 2022-10)This research work explores the potential role of finance in determining the implementation of Universal Health Care in Kenya. UHC refers to a global health system that ensures all individuals have access to quality ... -
The Moderating Role of Change Approaches on the Relationship between E-Learning Strategy and Learner Goal Achievements in the Universities in Kenya
(KeMU, 2022-11)Emphasis on using e-learning strategies has greatly increased as the universities continue to operate in a very dynamic and competitive world. Great market forces emanating from the dynamic technological advancement, ... -
Relationship between Strategic Contingency Factors and Organizational Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya
(KeMU, 2022-07)The study sought to establish the relationship between strategic contingency factors and the commercial banks performance in Kenya. Specifically, the research sought to ascertain the association between organizational ... -
Influence of Managerial Cognition on Firm Performance of Textile and Leather Firms in Kenya: Moderating Role of Competitive Dynamics
(KeMU, 2022-06)There continues to be growing interest in the organizational performance. This has led organizations to make great efforts to attain satisfactory performance in order to satisfy the needs of their stakeholders. In Kenya, ... -
Relationship Marketing Practices, Switching Cost and Customer Satisfaction among Tier One Supermarkets in Nairobi County, Kenya.
(KeMU, 2021-09)Understanding relationship marketing practices and their enhancement of customer satisfaction from consumers’ point of view was the area of interest for this study. Grounded on practice theory, Rahim organizational ... -
Influence of Strategic Human Resource Practices on Public Service Delivery of Huduma Centres in Kenya
(KeMU, 2021-09)Huduma Centre innovation in Kenya was as a result of public service delivery inefficiency that brought about corruption and was time consuming and expensive. The study examined whether Huduma Centres are a success in ... -
Institutional Factors and Strategy Implementation in Public Secondary Schools in Selected Counties in Kenya
(KeMU, 2021-09)Strategy implementation is arguably the most important phase of strategic management process because it is at this phase that benefits of the whole process should be reaped. In the same vein it is argued to be the most ... -
Managerial Ties, Citizen Participation and Performance of County Assemblies in Kenya
(KeMU, 2021-08)County Assemblies are obligated by the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and other statutes to discharge crucial mandates in county governments. They apply and adopt various strategies to facilitate improvement on their performance. ... -
Strategic Leadership, Strategy Execution and Organizational Performance: A Survey of Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Kenya
(KeMU, 2021-09)Organizations strive to achieve satisfactory performance in order to satisfy the needs of their stakeholders. However, the fact that some organizations experience poor organizational performance continues to attract the ... -
Board Characteristics and Financial Distress of Deposit Taking Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Kenya
(KeMU, 2021-08)Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) have evolved over time from mobilizing savings and granting loans to become established entities that provide banking services to their customers. According SASRA, SACCOs have ... -
Influence of Trust on Savings Mobilization in Co-Operatives in Nyamira County
(International Academic Journal of Economics and Finance (IAJEF), 2017-08)The purpose of the research was to study the influence of trust on savings mobilization in co-operatives in Nyamira County. It was conducted using descriptive research among co-operative members in savings and credit ... -
Self Actualization and Entrepreneurship Education among Undergraduate University Students in Kenya
(Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management (JEPM), 2020)Purpose: The main objective of this paper is to ascertain the connection shared by self actualization factors and entrepreneurship education as a specialization among undergraduate students within universities in ... -
Job Availability and Entrepreneurship Education among Undergraduate University Students in Kenya
(International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Project Management (IJEPM), 2020)Purpose: The purpose this study was to ascertain the connection shared by job availability factors and entrepreneurship education as a specialization among undergraduate students within universities in Kenya. Methodology: ... -
Distribution Models and Performance of Private Health Insurance Sector in Kenya
(European Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM), 2020)Purpose: Health insurance firms continue to compete for the same client base without registering any significant improvement in either penetration levels or performance. This study sought to establish the influence ... -
Firm Characteristics and Performance of Private Health Insurance Sector in Kenya
(Journal of Business and Strategic Management (JBSM), 2020)Purpose: This study sought to establish the influence of firms’ characteristics as determinants of transient advantage on performance. Specifically, the study looked at the influence of firm age and firm size on the ... -
Organization Culture, Strategy Operationalisation and Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya
(KeMU, 2020-11)Given the highly competitive banking sector, banks must design, adopt and successfully implement superior strategies. Successful implementation of strategies remains a challenging task to organizations. While empirical ... -
Comprehension of External Environment, Decision Making, Strategy Implementation and Performance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Kinshasa - Dr Congo
(KeMU, 2020-11)The ability of managers to comprehend the environment in which they operate and make decisions about strategy implementation which in turn affects performance of organisations is scarcely documented in empirical studies. ... -
Organizational Strategic Capabilities, Compliance with Regulations and Competitive Advantage of Commercial Banks in Kenya
(KeMU, 2020-11)The business environment today is characterized as Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous thus the capability to sense and respond to market threats and opportunities with speed and surprise has become essential for ... -
Internal Marketing, Regulations as Amoderator, and Competitive Market Dynamics: A Study of Insurance Firms in Kenya
(KeMU, 2020-11)The dynamism of growing competition and the environmental organisations have to work together to win customers’ attention. Insurance is a quality dependent service where the service and the service provider are inseparable, ... -
Forensic Accounting and Fraud Control in County Governments in Kenya: Evidence from Counties in Mt. Kenya Region
(KeMU, 2020-11)In the 21st century fraud is becoming an issue that top management of many organizations is struggling to control. Globally most companies do not admit they are vulnerable to fraud. Studies have shown that fraud can occur ...