Browsing School of Business and Economics by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 55
Antecedents of Technology Adoption and Financial Inclusion among Micro Enterprises in Machakos County, Kenya
(KeMU, 2018-08)The increased levels of mobile and internet banking has enabled the Micro Enterprises (MEs) to save, undertake transactions and access low cost credit without necessarily having security for their loans. Many micro-enterprises ... -
Board Characteristics and Financial Distress of Deposit Taking Savings and Credit Cooperatives in Kenya
(KeMU, 2021-08)Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) have evolved over time from mobilizing savings and granting loans to become established entities that provide banking services to their customers. According SASRA, SACCOs have ... -
Capital Adequacy Framework, Funds Allocation Strategy and Financial Performance of Deposit Taking Sacco’s in Kenya
(KeMU, 2019-09)This study was aimed at establishing the relationship between capital adequacy framework and financial performance of deposit taking savings and credit cooperatives societies in Kenya. There is a declining trend of deposit ... -
Comprehension of External Environment, Decision Making, Strategy Implementation and Performance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Kinshasa - Dr Congo
(KeMU, 2020-11)The ability of managers to comprehend the environment in which they operate and make decisions about strategy implementation which in turn affects performance of organisations is scarcely documented in empirical studies. ... -
Credit Risk and Lending Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya
(KeMU, 2019-08)Credit risk poses substantial exposure both to the banks and the economy; a scenario evident in East Africa financial crises; this in part owing to the fact that the banking sector is vital in any economy. The decline of ... -
Debt Collection Strategy, Industry Rivalry and Customer Satisfaction in Financial Institutions in Somalia
(KeMU, 2023-08)Customer satisfaction is an important indicator of an organization's performance. Customer satisfaction with financial institution’s products, services, and procedures is crucial because performance is central to strategic ... -
Determinants of Uptake of Mortgage Financing for home ownership in Kenya
(kemu, 2022-09)Since mortgage financing is a valuable method of funding real estate investment, inadequate housing and the proliferation of slums in cities remain a crucial developmental issue that countries continue to contend with in ... -
Distribution Models and Performance of Private Health Insurance Sector in Kenya
(European Journal of Business and Strategic Management (EJBSM), 2020)Purpose: Health insurance firms continue to compete for the same client base without registering any significant improvement in either penetration levels or performance. This study sought to establish the influence ... -
Effect of Corporate Governance on the Determinants of Financial Sustainability of Community Conservancies in Northern Kenya
(KeMU, 2022-10)Financial sustainability is critical to the survival and growth of organizations all around the world. Community conservancies in Kenya struggle to survive and grow financially. The main objective of the study was to ... -
Effects of Financial Literacy Delivery Channels and Central Bank Regulations on Financial Inclusion of Commercial Banks in Kenya
(KeMU, 2022-09)Kenya features a high financial services availability and accessibility. However, the usage of those services is low and remains a challenge for the full-service banks who are the suppliers and the main players for ... -
Effects of Regulatory Reforms on Security Market Returns: Evidence from Nairobi Securities Exchange
(2014-04)Capital markets are key to the economic development of any economy. Most governments have invested immensely on the capital markets through regulation to ensure that the investors are protected and making the market more ... -
Effects of Situational Factors and Packaging Characteristics on the Outcome of Purchase Behavior in Kenyan Supermarkets
(2014-06)Previous studies on shopping behavior have paid considerable attention to the effect of situational factors in explaining the outcome of consumer's buying behavior in the supermarkets. Other studies have limited the ... -
Factors of Production, County Government Policies and Financial Growth of Commercial Real Estate Investment in Machakos County, Kenya
(KeMU, 2022-10)There has been a slow growth in the commercial real estates in Kenya as compared to the demand of the houses. Demand for housing units continues to outstrip the supply; and property developers in Kenya have in the recent ... -
Firm Characteristics and Performance of Private Health Insurance Sector in Kenya
(Journal of Business and Strategic Management (JBSM), 2020)Purpose: This study sought to establish the influence of firms’ characteristics as determinants of transient advantage on performance. Specifically, the study looked at the influence of firm age and firm size on the ... -
Forensic Accounting and Fraud Control in County Governments in Kenya: Evidence from Counties in Mt. Kenya Region
(KeMU, 2020-11)In the 21st century fraud is becoming an issue that top management of many organizations is struggling to control. Globally most companies do not admit they are vulnerable to fraud. Studies have shown that fraud can occur ... -
Implementing Business Strategy: A Critical Analysis on the Role of Strategic Communication among Parastatals in Kenya
(KeMU, 2018-02)A review of literature indicates that strategy implementation is an important component of strategic management process. There still exists a high failure rate in the implementation of business strategy as a result of the ... -
Influence of Children Savings Accounts Attributes on Brand Loyalty among Commercial Banks in Kenya: Mediating Role of Savings Culture
(KeMU, 2023-08)Financial institutions predominantly rely on marketing strategies to expand their markets and retain their present customers. In banks performance specifically, customer retention is observed through brand loyalty which ... -
Influence of Customer Relationship Management Dimensions on Performance of Classified Accommodation Facilities in Coast Region of Kenya
(KeMU, 2020-11)Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an expanded domain of Relationship Marketing with an information technology component which enables a firm to manage its customers' data with an aim of improving the firm-customer ... -
Influence of Financial Advisory Services on Access to Credit by Micro Enterprises in the Formal Sector in Kenya
(KeMU, 2023-08)Access to credit from financial institutions for the purpose of financing state-regulated micro-enterprises in Kenya has been largely based on personal judgement, resulting in a lack of available credit from banks and ... -
The Influence of Green Bonds on Financial Performance of Banks and Investment Firms Listed In the Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya
(KeMU, 2022-09)In the recent years, a high number of firms listed within the Nairobi Securities exchange have registered a decline within the firm’s financial performance. This has resulted to financial difficulties which is contrary to ...