Modelling a Forecasting Platform for Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya
Small and medium enterprises’
contribution to Kenya’s GDP growth is
vital. The use of technology to predict
business operations and performance is the
next frontier in ensuring business
sustainability, job security and a generally
good business environment. The study
aimed at dealing with this information gap
and equipping SME owners and managers
with the right information to make
informed decisions based on their data and
experiences. Predicting business operations
is a critical task for small and medium
enterprises. With increased unpredictability
in the business environment, small
enterprises find themselves in the receiving
end simply because they do not have the
tools in decision making like their
counterparts who have well established
business decision-making tools. SMEs can
now tap into the power of data to support
decision-making. Data on sales and
purchases collected by SMEs is readily
available and SME owners can now benefit
from the use of predictive analytics to
forecast sales and purchases. The data
allows SME owners to have added
confidence in decision making to help
propel their businesses to success.
Lukenya University Multidisciplinary Journal (LUMJ)