Master of Public Health
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Barriers to Uptake and Utilization of Linda Mama Initiative Among Women of Reproductive Age (15-49 Years) in Kajiado North Sub-County, Kenya
(KeMU, 2024-09)Maternal mortality remains a significant concern globally, with substantial improvements observed over the years yet persisting challenges, particularly in resource-constrained regions like Kenya. From 2000 to 2018 according ... -
Factors Associated With Common Mental Health Disorders among Pregnant and Parenting Teenagers in Korogocho Slums, Nairobi County, Kenya
(KeMU, 2023-09)Global healthcare trends demonstrate a rise in mental health disorders. Notably, mental health disorders have a considerable negative impact on academic performance, work, close relationships, the global economy, and ... -
The Impact of Nutrition Education on the Dietary Habits of Adolescent Girls (12-18 years) in Juba, South Sudan
(KeMU, 2023-09)Adolescent girls in South Sudan, notably in its capital, Juba, experience significant dietary difficulties. These difficulties, frequently caused by socioeconomic circumstances, are made worse by a general lack of dietary ... -
Mobile Health (mhealth) Digital Platform for Primary Data Collection for Prostate Cancer Monitoring and Surveillance in Embu County
(KeMU, 2023-10)In Sub-Saharan Africa (SAA) prostate cancer mortality is projected to double by the year 2040. Prostate cancer is the 4th cause of death after breast, cervical, and oesophageal cancer respectively with an estimated ... -
COVID- 19 Containment Policy Measures and Their Effect on Access to HIV Services for Persons Living With HIV in Ruaraka Sub-County
(KeMU, 2022-10)The spread of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) globally led to the introduction of mitigation and containment responses designed to stem the heightened transmission of the virus. These measures hindered ... -
Prevalence and Factors Contributing to Hypertension among Patients in Nairobi: A Case Study of Mbagathi Hospital
(KeMU, 2022-10)Hypertension has become a major concern for public health globally. With 40% of people in the world's population suffering from hypertension, Africa ranks the highest with a prevalence of 46%. The high burden in developing ... -
Effect of Covid-19 on Uptake of Routine Immunization in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo.
(KeMU, 2022-10)The routine immunization process continues to save millions of children's lives worldwide. The previous pandemic like Ebola impacted the health system in Africa. There was a need to investigate if COVID-19, with its ... -
Factors Associated with Measles Outbreak among Children below 5 Years in Oltepesi Location in Kajiado North Sub County
(KeMU, 2022-11)Measles is a viral illness that has been demonstrated to be extremely contagious and to cause morbidity and death in both developing and industrialized nations but also one of the top vaccine-preventable diseases in the ... -
Occupational Health Risks among Solid Waste Handlers in Nairobi County
(KeMU, 2022-10)This study analyzes and quantifies the occupational health risks faced by those who handle solid garbage in Nairobi County. Despite the numerous worries raised about the potential harm that trash could cause to the ... -
Proposed Solutions to Address the Challenges of Medical Waste Management in Health Facilities in Kamukunji Sub- County, Nairobi City County, Kenya
(KeMU, 2022-10)Medical waste management in Kenya has been greatly affected by the country's elevated production levels. The majority of medical facilities do not have an extensive medical waste management system, or if they do, it does ... -
Factors Influencing Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy among Youth (15-24 Years) in Selected Health Facilities in Nyeri County, Kenya
(KeMU, 2021-10)The antiretroviral therapy combinations introduction in 1996 disrupted the natural course of the HIV/AIDS infection. In fact, ARVs induced an effective reduction in the morbidity and incidence ... -
Aflatoxin Analysis in Staple Food Cereals and Assessment of Households’ Awareness on its Management in Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya
(KeMU, 2021-09)Aflatoxin is a poisonous substance produced by fungi. Crops infestation is inevitable and numerous evolving nations collectively with Kenya do not regularly test their main foods for aflatoxins contamination. Consumption ... -
Evaluation of the Effect of Isoniazid Preventive Therapy among Children Living with HIV in OLA During Children’s Hospital-Freetown, Sierra Leone
(KeMU, 2020-11)The second biggest killer disease triggered by a single infectious agent and the leading cause of mortality for children living with HIV (CLHIV) is Tuberculosis (TB), rendering it an significant public health concern that ... -
Utilization Factors of Surgical and Antibiotic Treatments for Potentially Blinding Trachoma in Loodokilani Ward, Kajiado County, (Household Survey)
(KeMU, 2020-11)A number of studies carried out in the county show that poor utilization of eye treatment services is seen as lack of confidence by the community for the eyecare professionals. Various reasons for not accessing eye checkups ... -
Relationship between Low Birth Weight and Maternal Periodontitis: A Case Study of Kiambu County.
(KeMU, 2020-11)Periodontitis is defined as a long-term inflammatory disease of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone occurring as a response to bacterial plaque. Periodontal diseases are estimated to affect more than 95% of the adult ... -
Determinants of Feeding Knowledge and Practices among Infants Born of HIV Positive Female Sex Worker Mothers’ Sex Worker Outreach Programme Clinic
(KeMU, 2019-09)Feeding of infants is determined by many things which including the nature of work done by the mother. Sex worker outreach Programme (SWOP) is a clinic that caters for medical needs of the women selling sex in Kenya. The ... -
Factors Influencing Willingness to Use Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis among Male Homosexuals at the Sex Workers Outreach Program Clinic
(KeMU, 2019-09)The use of antiretroviral agents in an HIV negative person before engaging in coitus with a HIV-positive partner is termed as pre-exposure prophylaxis. The objective of this study was to assess the factors influencing ... -
The Effect of Mobile Phone Technology in Bridging the Gaps in ARV Uptake Care Service Delivery in Kenya: A Case Study in Kibera, Nairobi County
(KeMU, 2019-07)The Kenyan constitution seeks to guarantee every citizen the right to quality healthcare services but is hampered geographical location, socio-economic statuses, and education among other factors of intended recipients. ... -
Impact of Point of Use Water Treatment and Safe Storage in Reducing Diarrhea Morbidity among Children under Five Years Old in Kawangware, Nairobi County
(KeMU, 2016-07)Diarrheal diseases are one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in developing countries particularly in children. This study took the form of a cross-sectional study to determine the impact of Point of Use (POU) ... -
Factors Influencing Provision of Nutrition Education and Counselling To Pregnant Women by Nurses during Antenatal Care in Nairobi County.
(KeMU, 2016-06)Good maternal nutrition is essential for health, development and reproductive performance of the pregnant woman, and for the growth, survival and general health of the child. One strategy for ensuring pregnant women get ...