Factors affecting academic achievement of hearing impaired pupils in public schools in Nairobi county, Kenya.

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Mwangi, Maryann Wangechi
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The number of pupils in the schools for the hearing impaired has tremendously increased.
The rise was speculated either to be due to the increasingly high prevalence of diseases
causing deafness or effective campaigns, awareness, establishment of Educational assessment and Resource Services (EARCS) and educational opportunities in the
country (KSDC 2001). Despite the rise in enrollment Hearing Impaired performs so poorly academically leading to Lower educational attainment which leads to Lower economic status world bank {2005).lt is for this reason that the study sought to investigate the factors affecting academic achievement of the hearing impaired pupils in Kenya, narrowing it to Nairobi county. The study population comprised of 208 hearing impaired pupils in public schools, 32 teachers and 8 head teachers were purposively sampled. Data was collected using questionnaires and observation. Qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques were used in analyzing. Validity and Reliability of the questionnaires were discussed. The study established that the academic achievement of pupils with impaired hearing in Nairobi County was influenced by factors related to school environment, teachers and pupil characteristics. The factors related to school .environment include: lack of guidance and counseling in public schools, inadequate provision of individualized learner attention among the weak pupils, failure to cater for .. medical needs of the pupils and, also presence of user charges leading to absenteeism, failure of Quality Assurance. and Standards Officers to visit the school and advise on quality improvement, and incompetence and lack of motivation of head teachers. The teachers’ related factors include: lack of experience in educating learners with. hearing impairment, lack of adequate skills in sign language, lack of commitment among the teachers characterized by lateness and absenteeism, and failure to complete the syllabus on time. The pupil related factors include: lateness, absenteeism and inadequate language skills. The study recommended that the Ministry of Education (MoE) should increase the budgetary allocations for special needs. units in order to facilitate improvements on infrastructure and teaching arid learning resources. The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) should consider posting or hiring more and competent teachers to units for learners with hearing impairment Quality Assurance and Standards Officer should give more 'attention to • the schools in order to support quality management and curriculum. implementation strategies. It recommends that further research in the whole county to be conducted.