School of Medicine and Health Sciences: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 132
Effect of systems approach intervention on adherence to antenatal and postnatal appointments: a systematic review
(Pan African Medical Journal-One Health, 2020-06)Maternal and child health is one of the most significant aspects of service delivery pillar. With every country focusing on the achievement of sustainable development goal number three (SDG 3), provision and utilization ... -
(American Journal of Public Policy and Administration, 2020)Purpose:This was a study based onHealth Information Systems pillar.The study sought toexplore factors related toqualitydatawhich influence health information utilization in makingdecisionamong healthcare ... -
Opportunities and Challenges for HIV/AIDS and Non-Communicable Diseases Integration: A Systematic Review of Different Models of Integrated Care
(Public Health Research, 2021-06)It is evident that HIV and Non-Communicable diseases (NCD) programs often intersect. However, HIV services are stand alone and decentralized making it attractive to patients in peripheral facilities, and retaining them ... -
The Role Of Health Information System Towards The Achievement Of Uhcin Maternal Care: A Case Of Coast General Teaching & Referral Hospital
(Researchjournali’s Journal of Public Health, 2021-07)The role of Health Information System is fundamental to achieving the goals of Universal Health Coverage. An integrated information system must be in place to generate good quality information to informed-decisions, ... -
The Design Criteria in Implementation of a Health Management Information System: a Case of Kenyatta National Hospital
(2016)Embracing modern technology is one among very many ways of improving efficiency and reducing costs within healthcare organizations. While the integration of information and health services potential ... -
Preparedness of County Referral Health Facilities in Implementing Adolescent Friendly Health Services: A Case of Mama Lucy Kibaki County Refferal Hospital, Kenya
(Global Journal of Health Science;, 2015)Background: Health service delivery is a key pillar of health system management. However, there is limited peer reviewed literature on health services to adolescents necessitating assessment of whether the existing ... -
Effectiveness of Ng’adakarin Bamocha model in improving access to ante-natal and delivery services among nomadic pastoralist communities of Turkana West and Turkana North Sub-Counties of Kenya
(Pan African Medical Journal., 2015-04)Introduction: Access to maternal and child health care services among the nomadic pastoralists community in Kenya and African continent in general is unacceptably low. In Turkana, only 18.1% of the women had seen a nurse ... -
Assessing How the Packaging of Immunization Services Influence Uptake of the Immunization Services in Selected Health Facilities of Kajiado North Sub-County Kenya
(International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology IJSRSET, 2016)Background: Immunization as a preventive measure to diseases is vital to organizational performance. Among the six pillars of the health system, this research focused on service delivery. A desk review indicated that there ... -
(2020)Purpose: This was a study based on Health Info rmation Systems pillar. T he st udy sought to explore factors related to quality data which influence health information utilization in ... -
Towards a Well-functional Computerized Health Management Information System: A case of Mbagathi County Hospital, Kenya
(International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887), 2017-03)Health Management Information Systems (HMISs) initiatives in Kenya have traditionally been donor-driven with minimal, if any, organizational input in their design. This has consequently led to predictable failures ... -
Attitudes of Primary Health Care (PHC) Gatekeepers Towards Patient Referral Policy, Machakos County, Kenya
(Science Journal of Public Health, 2016-06)Primary Health Care (PHC) serves as the foundation for building a working healthcare system that provide good health outcomes. The quality of PHC delivery and the decision to refer patients depends on some behavioural ... -
Health Insurance Plan and Utilization of Health Services: The Case of Tanykina Community Health Plan; Nandi County, Kenya
(International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2016-03)Community Based Health Insurance mechanism of Health financing targets the informal sector and the Rural who cannot access the national social health insurance. Tanykina Community Health Plan was established to help dairy ... -
Influence of Maternal Health Education Delivered Through Community Health Referral Project on Antenatal Care Attendance: A Focus on Mirihini and Midoina Communities of Kilifi County, Kenya
(International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2016-05)Timely delivery of effective, safe, quality and personal services is a key pillar of health system strengthening. A Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNeCH) Project was initiated by the Ministry of Health and World ... -
Effectiveness of the Devolved Primary Health Care Gatekeeper System in Machakos County, Kenya
(American Journal of Health Research, 2016-07)The low health outcomes and inequities problems in developing countries are due to ineffective gate keeping at the Primary Health Care (PHC) level, non-adherence to policy and dysfunctional health infrastructure. This study ... -
Efficiency and Organizational Arrangements in the Utilization of Resources at Primary Health Care (PHC) in Machakos County, Kenya
(International Journal of Health Economics and Policy, 2017-05)Health care is costly and there is need for rational use of health care resources for the world to achieve universal health coverage (UHC). The preventive Primary Health Care (PHC) service is cheaper than the Secondary ... -
Correlates of alcohol consumption in rural western Kenya: A cross-sectional study
(BMC Psychiatry, 2017)Background: Studies on alcohol consumption in rural areas in sub-Saharan Africa are scarce. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and determinants of alcohol consumption in rural western Kenya. The study was conducted ... -
Determinants of Uptake of Health Insurance Cover Among Adult Patients Attending Bungoma County Referral Hospital
(International Journal of Health Economics and Policy, 2017-07)Health insurance is currently being considered as a mechanism for promoting progress to Universal health Coverage and reducing out-of-pocket payments in many African countries including Kenya which is prompting the use ... -
Uptake of health insurance among Muslims in Nairobi county, Kenya
(Pan African Medical Journal., 2017-12)Introduction: In Kenya and the world across, health insurance has been reckoned as an important health policy that serves to protect households from the direct financial consequences of health care and meet the Sustainable ... -
Evaluation of Alcohol Screening and Community-Based Brief Interventions in Rural Western Kenya: A Quasi-Experimental Study
(Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire),, 2018-01)Aims: To assess the effectiveness of community-based alcohol brief interventions (ABI) implemented by community-health workers with and without motivational talks (MT) by former drinkers, in reducing harmful and hazardous ... -
Determinants Of Effective Implementation Of Health Management Information System: A Case Of Wajir County Kenya
(Researchjournali's Journal Of Public Health, 2018-02)The general objective of this study is to establish the determinants of effective implementation of Health Management Information System, a case of Wajir County, Kenya. The study was pegged to the following four specific ...