Doctorate Theses and dissertation: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 103
Social Capital and Savings Mobilization in Co-Operative Societies, Nyamira County, Kenya.
(KeMU, 2020-11)The general purpose of the study was to examine the influence of social capital on savings mobilization in co-operative societies in Nyamira County. The specific goals were to examine how trust influences savings mobilization ... -
Social Cognitive Career Predictors, Entreprenology and Entrepreneurship Education Among Undergraduate University Students in Kenya
(KeMU, 2020-11)Research in entrepreneurship education is dynamic owing to the fact that it has a myriad of dimensions and faces. However, learning theories like social cognitive theories have not gained noteworthy or increased attention ... -
Transient Advantage and Performance of Private Health Insurance Sector in Kenya: Dynamic Capabilities View
(KeMU, 2020-11)The performance of the private health insurance sector in Kenya has continued to be below expectation with most of the companies reporting losses. Health insurance firms continue to compete for the same client base without ... -
National Hospital Insurance Funds Purchasing Mechanism and Access to Primary Care Health Services in Kenya
(2020-01)Health care financing (HCF) is one of the six building blocks of a health system. Kenya envisions having Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by 2022. In order to achieve this Kenya has identified and settled on National Hospital ... -
Effect of Parental Involvement on Quality of Education in Public Day Secondary Schools in Igembe Central Sub County, Meru County-Kenya
(KeMU, 2019-11)This study aimed at determining the effect of parental involvement on quality of education in public day secondary schools. The relationship among the variables of the study was moderated by parents’ level of education and ... -
Predicting Grazing Conflicts Based on Limited Resources in Northern Kenya
(KeMU, 2019-09)This study aimed at determining causes of grazing conflicts in Northern Kenya which were used to develop a conflicts predicting model. It specifically intended to evaluate seasonality of pasture resources, establishing ... -
Antecedents of Technology Adoption and Financial Inclusion among Micro Enterprises in Machakos County, Kenya
(KeMU, 2018-08)The increased levels of mobile and internet banking has enabled the Micro Enterprises (MEs) to save, undertake transactions and access low cost credit without necessarily having security for their loans. Many micro-enterprises ... -
Credit Risk and Lending Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya
(KeMU, 2019-08)Credit risk poses substantial exposure both to the banks and the economy; a scenario evident in East Africa financial crises; this in part owing to the fact that the banking sector is vital in any economy. The decline of ... -
Capital Adequacy Framework, Funds Allocation Strategy and Financial Performance of Deposit Taking Sacco’s in Kenya
(KeMU, 2019-09)This study was aimed at establishing the relationship between capital adequacy framework and financial performance of deposit taking savings and credit cooperatives societies in Kenya. There is a declining trend of deposit ... -
Socio-Entrepreneurial Practices and Community Empowerment within the Coastal Tourism Circuit in Kenya
(KeMU, 2019-08)A relatively small segment of business, known as social entrepreneurship (SE), is increasingly being acknowledged as an effective source of solutions to a variety of social problems. Despite this, little is documented as ... -
Relationship between Financial Management Practices and Financial Stability of Football Clubs in Kenya. A Survey of Football Clubs at the Kenya Premier League
(KeMU, 2018-09)This research investigated whether there exists an association between the financial management practices put in place by the Kenyan football clubs and their financial stability. The specific research objectives guided the ... -
Analysis of Factors Influencing Career Choice among Public Secondary Schools Students in Meru County Kenya
(KeMU, 2019-06)Career selection is one of the many important choices students make which have lifelong effects. This is because choosing a career that matches one’s interests, skills and values significantly increases their chances for ... -
Integration of Health Management Information Systems in Health Care Organizations in Kenya
(KeMU, 2018-10)Global attention to health systems strengthening has led to different quality improvement approaches in developed and developing countries. The awakening realization that information is critical for health systems functioning ... -
Influence of Information Communication Technologies on Quality of Distance Teaching and Learning in Kenya Universities
(KeMU, 2018-08)Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) are varied. They include different types of network infrastructure that depend on internet connectivity which in turn allows access to various search engines. ICTs have transformed ... -
Determinants of Sustainable Competitive Advantage Within Food and Beverage Firms in Kenya
(2014-06)Urbanization is proceeding at a high pace with urban dwellers expected to outnumber rural population in the near future. The demand for processed foods with shorter preparation periods that offer convenience for the urban ... -
The Influence of External Educational Environment on Wastage Reduction Strategies of the Boy Child Output in Kenyan Primary Schools
(KeMU, 2014-06)This is a study on 'The influence of external educational environment on wastage reduction strategies of the boy child output in Kenyan primary schools'. Every time The Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of education releases ... -
Key Account Management, E-Commerce, Implementation Models, Market Orientation and Performance of Selected Private Sectors Firms in Kenya
(KeMU, 2014-05)Modern business firms are facing stiff competition in this era of a rapidly changing business environment coupled with the globalization of markets. Consequently, many firms have adapted key accounts management model to ... -
Evaluation of The Effect of Regulated Deficit Irrigation and Soil Moisture Conservation Practices on Maize (Zae Mays) Performance
(KeMU, 2018-08)Though it is argued that the soils in most of Kenya's marginal rainfall areas have high potential for agriculture, low soil water constitutes a major limiting factor for crop production. Irrigation is one of the options ... -
Influence of Management Practices in the Training of Quality Graduates in the University in Kenya
(KeMU, 2018-08)Universities play a critical role in contributing to the economic development of any nation. They develop manpower which is a significant driver of economic growth. In view of this, effective management of universities is ... -
Implementing Business Strategy: A Critical Analysis on the Role of Strategic Communication among Parastatals in Kenya
(KeMU, 2018-02)A review of literature indicates that strategy implementation is an important component of strategic management process. There still exists a high failure rate in the implementation of business strategy as a result of the ...